Each Supervisor Candidate was asked to submit a video about themselves and why they deserve your vote. Each candidates was asked the following questions.

  • What is the top problem facing your District right now and what will you do about it?

  • What experience makes you qualified to represent your District and how long have you lived here?

  • There is a looming $740M budget deficit. Give 3 ideas on how to balance the budget.

  • If elected, what policies and legislation will you support to make your residents safer?

If a video from a candidate is not shown here they have not submitted a video.

Marjan Philhour

Jen Nossokoff

November 5, 2024, General Election

Federal contests:

  • President and Vice President

  • United States Senator

  • United States Senator (Partial/Unexpired Term)

  • United States Representative in Congress, Districts 11 and 15

State and regional contests:

  • State Senator, District 11

  • State Assemblymember, Districts 17 and 19

  • BART Board, Districts 7 and 9

  • State and regional ballot measures

Local contests:

  • Mayor

  • City Attorney

  • District Attorney

  • Sheriff

  • Treasurer

  • Board of Supervisors, Districts 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11

  • Board of Education, 4 seats

  • Community College Board, 4 seats

  • Local ballot measures